KB's gift guide part 1: the food & drink edit
I've been squirrelling away ideas and making notes in the middle of the night for weeks – longer, actually. Here, brought to festive fruition, is my edited collection of Joyous Gifts…
This newsletter is coming to you about a fortnight later than I was hoping it would – largely because we’re moving house, out of London. I can say that out loud now as contracts were exchanged yesterday and we move in less than a week. Did I say eek? EEEK. The decluttering, after 23 years in the house I love so much but know it’s time to leave, has been big and real. I have four or so ‘KB edit’ newsletters I want to finish and schedule to send you over the course of the next week – a pocket collection of invaluable (I hope) stuff – so a few days of intense focus lie ahead before the removal lorry is loaded. Honestly? I’m not good at working in disarray – or at being in limbo. You learn a lot about your psyche at times like this.
For now, this song is capturing the mood (a bit sentimental but I love it)…
Enough about the big life change, though; I will delve into that another time – once I’ve found out how country life is going. For now, here’s my strictly whittled-down collection of food and drink gifts with, I hope, something for everyone on your list – even the difficult ones.
May your days be merry and bright – and may you find it useful…
Oh – important note: there are a lot of images in this email, which means the end of it might get lopped off. To make sure you don’t miss any of it, click ‘Load images’ or ‘view all’ – or view in the Substack app or on the Substack website.
Coming up in soon-to-be finished newsletters: the non-food (but food-related) gift edit; the no-stuff gift edit; my compiled-over-years collection of mail-order companies I rate; the book edit; plus a few more choice things for November into December. If at all possible, there’ll be a recipe or two, an interview or two and a nothing-to-do-with-Christmas moment as well because, well, it all gets a bit full-on after a while, don’t you find?
I mentioned last week that these guides take sleighloads of time to compile, so I’m afraid they need to be behind the paywall. For Christmas, though, I’m offering a 20% discount on subscriptions until 15 December. If you’re keen to receive the full gamut of newsletters over the next few weeks and beyond, I’d love you to upgrade to paid via the button below (the clicking of which commits you to nothing – it just shows you what the offer is). Here you are: